vittatus (lat.) - with ribbons
Dwarf sucker pleco
Limpia vidrio (Peru)
Limpia vidrio (Peru)
Length (total)
approx. 6 cm
Standard length (documented)
32.8 mm
Recommended tank size
60 cm
25 - 28 °C
6.0 - 8.0
➀ río Paraguay = rio Paraguai near Descalvados, ➀ rio Xingu, ➀ río Mamoré, ➀ rio Tocantins, ➀ río Paraná = rio Paraná, río Beni, ➀ caño Caicará, rio Corisco = rio Mateus Nunes, río Jaurú, caño Maraca, río Matos, laguna de Menegua, ➀ río Orituco, ➀ río Orinoco -, ➀ río Paraguay = rio Paraguai -, ➀ Amazonas = rio Solimões basin, Llanos, Pantanal
arroyo Aguas Negras, río Curiraba - widespread
arroyo Aguas Negras, río Curiraba - widespread
Beni, Amazonas (BRA), Para (BRA), Amazonas (VEN)
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru
río Guárico ➙ río Apure → río Orinoco → Caribic ↓
río Apere → río Mamoré → rio Madeira → Amazonas → Atlantic NE ↓ rio Paraguai = río Paraguay → río Paraná → río de la Plata → Atlantic SE ↓
[ -16.733,-57.749 ]
Type of water
White water
Nutrition (mostly): vegetarian
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in groups is necessary.
Can breathe atmospheric
from genus: W: größer, fülliger, weniger Odontoden am Schwanzstiel M: kleiner, zierlicher
Catfish Atlas 1
Identify by lateral line extends to about the middle of the caudal fin,on the caudal approach a vertical line
Sympatric with
Hypostomus paranensis
Microglanis nigrolineatus
Otocinclus tapirape
Astyanax asuncionensis
Astyanax rutilus
Microglanis nigrolineatus
Otocinclus tapirape
Astyanax asuncionensis
Astyanax rutilus
Cheirodon interruptus
Cyphocharax spilotus
Leporinus obtusidens
Odontostilbe microcephala
Oligosarcus jenynsii
Cyphocharax spilotus
Leporinus obtusidens
Odontostilbe microcephala
Oligosarcus jenynsii
On the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
- Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. & Ferraris, C.J., 2003 "Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America" P. 325
- H.-G. Evers / I. Seidel "Welsatlas 1" edition: 2 P.348
- Das Aquarium 9/95 S.16 - 17
- Seidel, Ingo: "Harnischwels-Zwerge – Loricariiden für kleine Aquarien"
(DATZ Dezember 2018) - Seidel, Ingo: "Die Ohrgitterwelse der Gattung Otocinclus"
(Aquaristik Fachmagazin April / Mai 2022)
- Regan, C. Tate, 1904 "A monograph of the Fishes of the Family Loricariidae" (Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 17/1903-06, Vol. 17, P. 267)
- Brancolini, F.; Minotti, P.; Protogino, L.; López, H.; Colautti, D. & Baigún, C., 2014 "Fish fauna from Río Pilcomayo National Park and Ramsar Site and its surroundings, Formosa, Argentina" (CheckList, Vol. 10 No. 6, P. 1390)
- Butí, C.; Cancino, F.; Ferullo, S. & Gamundi, C., 2015 "Diversidad y evaluación toxicológica de peces como indicadores de contaminación por mercurio, plomo, cadmio, cobre y arsénico, provincia de Tucumán, República Argentina" (Conservación de la Naturaleza, Vol. 20)
- Roxo, F.F.; Silva, G.S.C.; Ochoa, L.E. & Zawadzki, C.H., 2017 "Description of a new species of Gymnotocinclus from the rio Tocantins basin with phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Hypoptopomatinae (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)" (Zootaxa, Vol. 4268 No. 3, P. 351)
- DoNascimiento, C.; Herrera-Callazos, E.E.; Herrera-R., G.A.; Ortega-Lara, A.; Villa-Navarro, F.A.; Oviedo, J.S.U. & Maldonado-Ocampo, J.A., 2017 "Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia: a Darwin Core alternative to the updating problem" (ZooKeys, Vol. 708, P. 76)
- Urbano-Bonilla, A.; Ballen, G.A.; Herrera-R, G.A.; Zamudio, J., Herrera-Collazos; E.E.; DoNascimiento, C.; Prada-Pedreros, S. & Maldonado-Ocampo, A., 2018 "Fishes of the Cusiana River (Meta River basin, Colombia), with an identification key to its species" (ZooKeys, No. 733, P. 75)
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Many thanks to
for the pictures
Elke & Bernd
1, 2
José "BlackSouL" Sole
4, 5, 6
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)