Peckoltia sp. "Orange Fin"
Prince Tiger Pleco
Peckoltia sp. "Orange Fin"
Prince Tiger Pleco
Length (total)
approx. 12 cm
Recommended tank size
80 cm
25 - 29 °C
5.5 - 7.5
Nutrition (mostly): omnivore
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
from genus: Odontodes on the back body, caudal peduncle and caudal upper rays
from genus: Standard
Catfish Atlas 2
Die Datz ordnete die Art der Gattung Ancistomus zu, Seidel der Gattung Peckoltia. Die Entwicklung der Nachzuchten entspricht denen der Gattung Peckoltia.
Eventuell identisch mit Peckoltia multispinis
Eventuell identisch mit Peckoltia multispinis
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
- I. Seidel / H.-G. Evers "Welsatlas 2" edition: 1 (2005) P.670
- A. Werner / W. Lechner / Dr. J. Schmidt "Miniatlas L-Welse" edition: 1 (2005) P.294
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for the pictures
1, 2
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