I want to introduce you in a few articles about catfishes in the journal DATZ 11/2014:
Frank Schäfer “Bruno hat jetzt einen Namen” (“Now Bruno has a name”)
Frank Schäfer refers to the scientific description of Hypostomus basilisko (Look Tencatt, Zawadzki & Froehlich “Two new species of the Hypostomus cochliodon Group (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Paraguay basin, with a redescription of Hypostomus cochliodon Kner, 1854″). The author wrote that Hypostomus basilisko is the in aquaristium hobby well-known Red Bruno (Cochliodon sp. “Paraguay”).
In addition, it deals with the description of Hypostomus (Cochliodon) cochliodon and Hypostomus (Cochliodon) khimaera. He also mentions the dispute whether Cochliodon represents a distinct genus or Cochliodon is only one group in the genus Hypostomus.
Smile certainly misled the story of from where it came to the name “Red Bruno”:
When unpacking the first import of these animals with striking red fins they sought a sale name. An in this moment present employee of the importer with red hair was called Bruno, …
Frank Schäfer “Aufgetaucht – Corydoras ellisae” (“Surfaced – Corydoras ellisae”)
Frank informed that Corydoras ellisae could be imported to Germany. This long-snout appear to be less sensitive than other long-snout.
Walter Lechner “Manaus – wo Negro und Solimoes zusammentreffen (4)” (“Manaus – where Negro and Solimoes make together”)
Walter Lechner continues his report on his trip to Manaus. For catfish friends of particular interest that he could catch a partly xanthonic Ancistrus in the Cachoeira Porteira. One of his companions told Walter him that no xanthonic loricarids from the Rio Negro were previously known. (We know that often it was reported about xanthonic loricarids from the Rio Xingu, Rio Tapajos, …)