Amazonas November/December 2014 – Catfish Press Review


I want to introduce you in a few articles about catfishes in the journal Amazonas November-December 2014:

Daniel Wewer “Auf der Suche nach Otocinclus cocama” („Looking for Otocinclus cocama“)

Several days Daniel Wewer traveled the Río Yarapa to arrive at the habitat of Otocinclus cocama. Although time was short, he was able to catch 20 animals of this species. Furthermore, could be captured for example: Corydoras pygmaeus, Otocinclus macrospilus, …

Also interesting is the remark that Otocinclus cocama must spawn in early December. This is a few weeks after the start of the rainy season in this area.

The author reminds that there is a very similar species in the Río Tigre. This can be captured with significantly less effort.

Ingo Seidel “Der ‘Rote Bruno’ hat endlich einen Namen”

Ingo responds to the first description of Hypostomus / Cochliodon basilisko. In particular, it borders on “Red Bruno” (Cochliodon sp. “Paraguay”) over Cochliodon soniae (L 137). As we know Cochliodon sp. “Paraquay” has brown eyes and Cochliodon soniae hast white/light blue eyes.

Best feature of Cochliodon basilisko to differentiating it from other Cochliodon is that he has no black dots. Only Cochliodon soniae and Cochliodon pagai have also black dots.

In addition, Ingo write about the first description of Hypostomus / Cochliodon khimaera. This is very similar to Cochliodon cochliodon. Both species should occur syntopically in some of their habitats.  

Hans-Georg Evers “Panzerwelsschlacht am Käsebach” („Corydoras battle on the cheese creek“)

Hans was in August in the Pampa Hermosa to catch fishes. In a creek near a cheese farm Hans could make remarkable observations from Corydoras sp. "C115", Corydoras sp. "C116", Corydoras sp. "CW62", Corydoras sp. "CW40", Corydoras sp. "CW41", …