DATZ 09/2015 – Catfish Press Review

Hello catfish freaks,

today I want to introduce you in two articles from the current issue of DATZ (09/2015:

Frank Schäfer "… und wieder eine L-Nummer aufgelöst"

(„… and again resolved a L-number“)

… strictly, even two. This article is about the first description of Ancistrus maximus. This form has (had) the L-numbers L110 and L157. Ancistrus maximus is shipped to Germany as by-catch from Ancistrus dolichopterus. Therefore, they are rare in Germany. This style is easy to recognize because of their red spots on a dark background. With about 20 cm final size it is also relatively large. She is also one of a few Ancistrus that have 8 (instead of 7) soft rays in the dorsal fin.

Frank Schäfer "Brandneuer Panzerwels"

(“Brand new Corydoras”)

Frank writes, that Aquarium Glaser imported a Corydoras as Corydoras potaroensis. The imported Corydoras is very similar, but he has fine black points on the body. In contrast Corydoras potaroensis has only a black place in the dorsal fin and a black blindfold.

Enjoy reading of DATZ