Hypostomus johnii

Steindachner, 1877
Hypostomus johnii
dedicated Prof. Or. Saint-John
has Hypostomus eptingi
Hypostomus eptingi
Plecostomus auroguttatus
Plecostomus johnii
least concern
Length (total)
approx.  20 cm
Standard length (documented)
157.2 mm
Recommended tank size
120 cm
25 - 29 °C

Piauí, Maranhão, Ceará, Bahia


río Sambito ⇒ rio Poti |rio Itaim → rio Canindé | rio Longá | riacho do Riachão ⇒ rio Parnaíba → Atlantic NE ↓ rio Grande → rio São Francisco → Atlantic SE ↓

˜[ -5.058,40.835 ]
Map to Hypostomus johnii
gravel, rocks
Nutrition (mostly): omnivore
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
from genus: males have longer fins
from genus: Standard
I / 4 rays
14 soft rays
incised / concave, pointed
little longer at the bottom than at the top
II / 7 rays
6 soft rays
5 soft rays
Sympatric with
Hemiodus parnaguae
Hoplias malabaricus
Leporinus piau
Phenacogaster calverti
Potamotrygon signata
Prochilodus lacustris
Psectrogaster rhomboides
Schizodon rostratus
Serrapinnus heterodon
Serrasalmus rhombeus
Sternophygus macrurus
Synbranchus marmoratus
Triportheus signatus
On the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
  • Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. & Ferraris, C.J. et.al., 2003 "Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America" P. 359
Pic. 2: Hypostomus johnii
Pic. 3: Hypostomus johnii, UFPB 9268, 107.7 mm SL. Poti River, tributary of the Parnaíba River basin, Crateús, Ceará, Brazil
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for the pictures
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Link: https://www.suedamerikafans.de/en/wels-datenbank/welsart/?art=1328