Hello catfish freaks;
I would like to present you three articles from the actual edition of the magazine “Amazonas”:
Daniel Wewer “Ten days on the Río Nanay” (“Zehn Tage auf dem Río Nanay”)
Daniel Wewer reports about his trip to the Rio Nanay. There he searched for Nannostomus mortenthaleri.
His way leads to a nature reserve. Therefore he had to undertake not to catch any fish. He also got a watchman.
He could observe Nanostomus mortenthaleri. In catfishes he found Corydoras sp. “C 53” and Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus.
Hans-Georg Evers “Very rare!” (“Ganz schön selten!”)
Pier Aquatics in England could import Corydoras desana , which was described only a short time before (before Corydoras sp. “CW 11”). They live together with Corydoras tukano on the alto Rio Negro, near the border between Brazil and Colombia. Both species have a poison gland on the pectoral fin ray.
Hans-Georg Evers “Corydoras sp. CW 112”
Hans reports about the very rare imported Corydoras sp. “New evelynae”. Now they have the code number “CW 112”. These species should live in the tributaries of the Rio Purús. The female has a size of 5 cm.
Enjoy reading of revista Amazonas.