orientale (lat.) - eastern
Chaetostoma sp. "Rio Xingu"
Length (total)
approx. 21 cm
Standard length (documented)
17.0 mm
Recommended tank size
120 cm
26 - 30 °C
5.5 - 7.5
High above sea level
> 33 m
Habitat river width
8.00 - 60.00 m
(Prefered) River depth
~1.00 m
in/near rapids
Type of water
Clear water
normal - strong
Nutrition (mostly): vegetarian
Eats plants
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
from genus: Male have a more angular head and the edge of their snout is more thick
from genus: Standard
ii / 4 rays
7 + 7 soft rays
slightly incised / concave
little longer at the bottom than at the top
II / 8 - 9 rays
I / 6 rays
i / 5 rays
ii / 4 rays
7 + 7 soft rays
slightly incised / concave
little longer at the bottom than at the top
II / 8 - 9 rays
I / 6 rays
i / 5 rays
Sympatric with
Imparfinis hasemani
Ancistrus sp.
Apareiodon argenteus
Bryconops giacopinii
Characidium sp.
Crenicichla cf. saxatilis
Ctenobrycon alleni
Cyphocharax spilurus
Ancistrus sp.
Apareiodon argenteus
Bryconops giacopinii
Characidium sp.
Crenicichla cf. saxatilis
Ctenobrycon alleni
Cyphocharax spilurus
Hemibrycon surinamensis
Hypostomus sp.
Knodus sp.
Lasiancistrus sp.
Leporinus cf. megalepis
Odontostilbe sp.
Phenacorhamdia sp.
Synbranchus marmoratus
Hypostomus sp.
Knodus sp.
Lasiancistrus sp.
Leporinus cf. megalepis
Odontostilbe sp.
Phenacorhamdia sp.
Synbranchus marmoratus
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
- DATZ 3/2008 S.24 - 29
- Meza-Vargas, V.; Calegari, B.B.; Lujan, N.K.; Ballen, G.A.; Oyakawa, O.T.; Sousa, L.M. Rapp Py-Daniel, L. & Reis, R.E., 2022 "A New Species of Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Expands the Distribution of Rubbernose Plecos Eastward into the Lower Amazon Basin of Brazil" (abstract) (Ichthyology & Herpetology, Vol. 110 No. 2, P. 364)
- Seidel, Ingo, 2008 "Die Gebirgsharnischwelse des Amazonas-Tieflandes (1)" (DATZ, 2008-3, P. 24)
- Seidel, Ingo, 2008 "Die Gebirgsharnischwelse des Amazonas-Tieflandes (2)" (DATZ, 2008-3, P. 27)