Rineloricaria reisi

Ghazzi, 2008
Rineloricaria reisi sp. nov. holótipo MZUSP 28748, , 168mm CP, rio Piratini na Fazenda Hinz, distrito de Coimbra, Santo Ângelo (28º42
dedicated Roberto E. Reis
Length (total)
approx.  23 cm
Standard length (documented)
197.7 mm
Recommended tank size
150 cm

Rio Grande do Sul, Misiones

Argentina, Brazil

rio Ijuí ⇒ río Uruguay = rio Uruguai ➙ río de la Plata

˜[ -28.716,-54.429 ]
Map to Rineloricaria reisi
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
I / 5 rays
10 soft rays
slightly incised / concave, pointed
I / 7 rays
6 soft rays
5 soft rays
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Pic. 2: Rineloricaria reisi sp. nov. holótipo MZUSP 28748, , 168mm CP, rio Piratini na Fazenda Hinz, distrito de Coimbra, Santo Ângelo (28º42
Pic. 3: Rineloricaria reisi sp. nov. holótipo MZUSP 28748, , 168mm CP, rio Piratini na Fazenda Hinz, distrito de Coimbra, Santo Ângelo (28º42
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for the pictures
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Link: https://www.suedamerikafans.de/en/wels-datenbank/welsart/?art=1465