Rineloricaria stellata

Ghazzi, 2008
Rineloricaria stellata sp. nov. holótipo MCP 19682, , 90mm CP, arroio afluente do rio Ijuí, estrada de São Luiz Gonzaga/Ijuí, Ijuí (28º23
stellata = kleiner Stern - bezogen auf die kleinen Poren entlang der Seitenlinie
Length (total)
approx.  15 cm
Standard length (documented)
119.1 mm
Recommended tank size
100 cm
20 - 25 °C

Rio Grande do Sul, Misiones

Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay

rio Ijuizinho ➙ rio Ijuí | rio Ibicuí | arroio Ximbocu ➙ rio Piratini | rio Buricá | arroyo Liso ➙ arroyo Yaboti Guazú ⇒ río Uruguay ➙ rio de la Plata

˜[ -28.402,-53.954 ]
Map to Rineloricaria stellata
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
I / 5 rays
10 soft rays
incised / concave, pointed
I / 7 rays
6 soft rays
5 soft rays
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Pic. 2: Rineloricaria stellata sp. nov. holótipo MCP 19682, , 90mm CP, arroio afluente do rio Ijuí, estrada de São Luiz Gonzaga/Ijuí, Ijuí (28º23
Pic. 3: Rineloricaria stellata sp. nov. holótipo MCP 19682, , 90mm CP, arroio afluente do rio Ijuí, estrada de São Luiz Gonzaga/Ijuí, Ijuí (28º23
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for the pictures
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