Length (total)
approx. 60 cm
Recommended tank size
200 cm
25 - 30 °C
5.5 - 7.0
Loreto, Amazonas (BRA), Pará (BRA), Beni
Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru
Amazonas | Rio Pará ➙ Atlantic NE
Type of water
Clear water, White water, Black water
Nutrition (mostly): omnivore
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
in ponds (Asia)
On the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
- Geiger, Matthias: "Schuppige Neuankömmlinge in der Europäischen Union"
(DATZ 08/2012 - "Wels-Presseschau")
- Castelnau, Francis de, 1855 "Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis pendant l'expedition dans les parties centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para" (Animaux nouveaux ou rares, Vol. 2, P. 42)
- Chavez, J.M.; de la Paz, R.M.; Manohar, S.K.; Pagulayan, R.C. & Carandang Vi, J.R., 2006 "New Philippine record of south american sailfin catfishes (Pisces: Loricariidae)" (Zootaxa, Vol. 1109, P. 57)
Many thanks to
for the pictures
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)welsfans.de
Link: https://www.suedamerikafans.de/en/wels-datenbank/welsart/?art=1159