Hello catfish freaks,
today I want to introduce you in two articles from the current issue of DATZ:
Ingo Seidel “New L-numbers from Brazil” (Neue L-Nummern aus Brasilien)
Ingo reports about the actual situation in the genus Peckoltia. The information that the syntypes of Peckoltia vittata, which Steindachner deposited in 1881, came from places with a distance up to 600 km and they have a genetic difference to Peckoltia vittata. That means they are different species.
In addition, several long-known Peckoltia now receive an L number::
- Peckoltia sp. “Rio Jari” – now Peckoltia sp. “L 493”
- Peckoltia sp. “Rio Paru” – now Peckoltia sp. “L 494”
- Peckoltia sp. “Rio Maicuru” – now Peckoltia sp. “L 495”
- Peckoltia sp. “Rio Curuá” – now Peckoltia sp. “L 496”
- Peckoltia sp. “Rio Uatuma” – now Peckoltia sp. “L 497”
- and a new Peckoltia cf. brevis from Rio Madeira – Peckoltia sp. “L 498”
Daniel Konn-Vetterlein “500 full – two new L-numbers from Northern Amazon tributaries” (500 voll – zwei L-Nummern aus nördlichen Amazonas-Zuflüssen)
Also in this article are presented two already longer known plecos:
- Hypancistrus sp. “Rio Padauari” – now Hypancistrus sp. “L 499”
- Hypancistrus sp. “Rio Uatuma” – now Hypancistrus sp. “L 500”
Ingo Seidel “‘Designer fishes’ – selection breeding of plecos” (‘Designer-Fische’ Selektionszucht bei L-Welsen)
Ingo informs about the selection breeding of plecos. The Hypancistrus of Rio Xingu have a there an important role, in first position there is Hypancistrus sp. “L 236”.
Daniel Konn-Vetterlein “White, yellow, gold – plecos on the wrong path” (Weiß, gelb, Gold – Harnischwelse auf Abwegen)
The author wrote about the well-known temporary color changes of different plecos. He speculated about different causes.
Frank Schäfer “L 25 is now called Pseudacanthicus pirarara” (L 25 heißt jetzt Pseudacanthicus pirarara)
Frank reports the description of Pseudacanthicus pirarara by Chamon & Sousa. This specie is widespread in the tributary of Rio Xingu. In reference to the dam of Belo Monte Pseudacanthicus pirarara is only local threatened.
Enjoy reading of DATZ