DATZ 05/2015 – “Catfish Press Review”

Hello catfish freaks,

today I want to introduce you in two articles from the current issue of DATZ:

Ingo Seidel "A beautiful Ancistrus from basin del Río Caura (Venezuela)"

Ingo presents a brown Ancistrus with white dots from the basin of Río Caura. This specie got the number L486, now also Ancistrus sp. "L 486". Thomas Haase captured the parents in the near of Caura-Lodge in 2011. The reproduction seems very simple.

Ancistrus sp. 'L 486'

In the rubric “Popped up” there we can read an article from

Frank Schäfer "Import of a whiptail"

In this short article there Frank Schäfer inform us over the import from Rhadinoloricaria macromystax

Enjoy reading of DATZ