brevis (lat.) = short
Chaetostomus brevis
data deficient
Length (total)
approx. 20 cm
Standard length (documented)
139.7 mm
Recommended tank size
120 cm
23 - 27 °C
➀ río Marañón, ➀ río Huallaga, río Amundal = río Amundalo, río Bomboiza, río Bomboscara, río Changachangasa, río Lumbaime, río Nambija, río Pastaza, río Piunza, río Puyo, río Tena, río Tocache, río Tutanangosa = río Tutanangoza, río Upano, ➀ río Utcubamba, río Yacuambi, río Yunganza = río Yungantza, río Yunquiantza, río Zamora basin
Morona-Santiago, Zamora-Chinchipe, Napo, Loreto, San Martín, Loja
Ecuador, Peru
río Tutanangosa ➙ río Upano ⇒ río Namangoza | río Yacuambi ⇒ río Zamora ⇒ río Santiago | río Llushino ➙ río Pastaza ⇒ río Marañon | río Misahuallí ➙ río Napo ⇒ Amazonas
[ -3.436,-78.557 ]
High above sea level
250 - 1100 m
Nutrition (mostly): vegetarian
Eats plants
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
from genus: Male have a more angular head and the edge of their snout is more thick
from genus: Standard
4 soft rays
I / 8 rays
I / 8 rays
not known
- I. Seidel / H.-G. Evers "Welsatlas 2" edition: 1 (2005) P.421
- Regan, C. Tate, 1904 "A monograph of the Fishes of the Family Loricariidae" (Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 17/1903-06, Vol. 17, P. 247)
- Ballen, Gustava A., 2011 "A new species of Chaetostoma Tschudi (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Colombia with a definition of the C. anale species group" (Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Vol. 51 No. 26, P. 388)
- Lujan, N.K.; Meza-Vargas, V.; Astudillo-Clavijo, V. & ´López-Fernández, H., 2015 "A Multilocus Molecular Phylogeny for Chaetostoma Clade Genera and Species with a Review of Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Central Andes" (Copeia, Vol. 103 No. 3, P. 685)
- Nugra, F.; Abad, D. & Zárate, E., 2018 "Guía De Peces Del Alto Nangaritza "
- Londoño-Burbano, A. & Reis, R.E., 2021 "A combined molecular and morphological phylogeny of the Loricariinae (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), with emphasis on the Harttiini and Farlowellini" (PlosOne)
- Meza-Vargas, V.; Calegari, B.B.; Lujan, N.K.; Ballen, G.A.; Oyakawa, O.T.; Sousa, L.M. Rapp Py-Daniel, L. & Reis, R.E., 2022 "A New Species of Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Expands the Distribution of Rubbernose Plecos Eastward into the Lower Amazon Basin of Brazil" (abstract) (Ichthyology & Herpetology, Vol. 110 No. 2, P. 376)
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Many thanks to
for the pictures
C. Tate Regan (PD)
1, 2
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)