Bunocephalus minerim

Carvalho, Cardoso, Friel & Reis, 2015
Bunocephalus minerim
minerim for mineirinho - person who comes from Minas Gerais
least concern
Length (total)
approx.  6 cm
Standard length (documented)
45.4 mm
Recommended tank size
60 cm

Minas Gerais


rio Januário | rio Claro ⇒ rio Escuro → rio Paracatu | rio São Miguel | rio das Velhas ⇒ rio São Francisco → Atlantic SE

[ -17.748,-47.094 ]
Map to Bunocephalus minerim
Eats plants
not known
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Pic. 2: Bunocephalus minerim
Pic. 3: Bunocephalus minerim , MCP 47087, holotype, 37.9 mm SL, córrego Guarda-Mor near the town of Guarda-Mor on highway BR-364, Minas Gerais
Many thanks to
for the pictures
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)welsfans.de
Link: https://www.suedamerikafans.de/en/wels-datenbank/welsart/?art=3102