Ageneiosus apiaka
Ribeiro, Rapp Py-Daniel & Walsh, 2017
dedicated Apiakás (ethnic group from the rio Teles Pires)
Length (total)
approx. 25 cm
Standard length (documented)
203.4 mm
Recommended tank size
150 cm
Eats plants
not known
from genus: M mit (temporär?) verlängerter Dorsale
(40 -) 42 soft rays
17 soft rays
greatly incised / concave
little longer at the top than at the bottom
I / 6 rays
12 (- 14) soft rays
6 soft rays
17 soft rays
greatly incised / concave
little longer at the top than at the bottom
I / 6 rays
12 (- 14) soft rays
6 soft rays
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)