Rhamdia muelleri

Günther, 1864
Rhamdia muelleri - Type
Pimelodus knerii
Pimelodus muelleri
Rhamdia knerii
Rhamdia obesa
Length (total)
approx.  25 cm
Standard length (documented)
208.0 mm
Recommended tank size
150 cm

Pará, Amazonas, Meta, Loreto

Brazil, Guyana, Colombia, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela

rio Guamá → baia do Guajará → rio Pará | rio Madeira → Amazonas ⇒ Atlantic NE ↓ río Meta → río Orinoco → Caribic ↓

˜[ -2.734,-47.907 ]
Map to Rhamdia muelleri
Nutrition (mostly): carnivore
Eats plants
not known
10 - 11 soft rays
I / 6 rays
9 soft rays
6 soft rays
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
  • Silfvergrip, A.M.C. , 1996 "A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)" P. 23
  • Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. & Ferraris, C.J. et.al., 2003 "Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America" P. 423
Pic. 2: Rhamdia muelleri - Type
Pic. 3: Rhamdia muelleri
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for the pictures
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