Chaetostoma bifurcum

Lujan, Meza-Vargas, Astudillo-Clavijo, Barriga-Salazar & López-Fernández, 2015
Chaetostoma bifurcum
bi = two, furca (lat.) = fork
Length (total)
approx.  16 cm
Standard length (documented)
140.1 mm
Recommended tank size
120 cm

Esmeraldas, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, Imbabura, Los Ríos, El Oro, Tumbes

Ecuador, Peru

río Pozuelos → río Catarama | río Baba → río Babahoyo → río Guayas | ( río Caoni → río Blanco | río Guayllabamba ⇒ río Esmeraldas) | río Piloto → estero de Santa Rosa → canal de Jambelí | rio Tumbes ⇒ Pacific

[ -0.352,-79.215 ]
Map to Chaetostoma bifurcum
High above sea level
100 - 650 m
Nutrition (mostly): vegetarian
Eats plants
not known
Keeping in (small) groups is recommended. Individual keeping is possible.
from genus: Male have a more angular head and the edge of their snout is more thick
from genus: Standard
4 (- 5) soft rays
slightly incised / concave, pointed
little longer at the bottom than at the top
I / 8 rays
slightly convex
6 soft rays
5 soft rays
not known
Pic. 2: Chaetostoma bifurcum
Pic. 3: Chaetostoma bifurcum
Pic. 4: Chaetostoma bifurcum
Pic. 5: Chaetostoma bifurcum
Many thanks to
for the pictures
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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