longus (lat.) = lang, pinna (lat.) = Flosse - in Bezug auf die lange Anale
Length (total)
approx. 10 cm
Standard length (documented)
78.7 mm
Recommended tank size
80 cm
Eats plants
not known
32 - 42 soft rays
15 soft rays
II / 6 rays
10 - 13 soft rays
6 soft rays
15 soft rays
II / 6 rays
10 - 13 soft rays
6 soft rays
Not on the positive list of Brazil in 2012 : The positive list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Not on the negative list of Brazil from 2020 : The negative list of Brazil
Many thanks to
for the pictures
Please help with your pictures and information to complete the database: database(at)welsfans.de
Link: https://www.suedamerikafans.de/en/wels-datenbank/welsart/?art=2027