Comprimento (total)
cerca 9 cm
Comprimento standard (documentado)
67,0 mm
Tamanho recomendado do aquário
60 cm
em bancos de areia
Come plantas
iii - iv / (39 -) 40 - 43 (- 45) raios
grande incisado / côncavo, lobos pontiagudos
parte superior e inferior do mesmo comprimento
(6 -) 7 Raios moles
11 - 12 Raios moles
(12 -) 11 Raios moles
grande incisado / côncavo, lobos pontiagudos
parte superior e inferior do mesmo comprimento
(6 -) 7 Raios moles
11 - 12 Raios moles
(12 -) 11 Raios moles
- Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. & Ferraris, C.J., 2003 "Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America" P. 473
- Eigenmann, C.H., 1912 "The Freshwater Fishes of British Guiana, including a Study of the ecological Grouping of Species, and the Relation of the Fauna of the Plateau to that of the Lowlands" (Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Vol. 5, P. 202)
- Ibarra, M. & Stewart, D.J., 1987 "Catalogue of type specimens of recent fishes in Field Museum of Natural History" (Field Museum of Natural History, Vol. 35, P. 14)
- Ferraris, C.J. Jr. & Vari, R.P. , 1992 "Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution" (Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 535, P. 11)
- Ferraris, C.J., Jr. & Vari, R.P., 1999 "The South American catfish genus Auchenipterus Valenciennes, 1840 (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae): monophyly and relationships, with a revisionary study" (Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 126 No. 4, P. 410)
- Ferraris, C.J. jr., 2007 "Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types (I)" (Zootaxa, Vol. 1418, P. 72)
- Fishbase
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