de acordo com a origem orientalis - leste dos Andes
Arges orientalis
Albirregas Climbing Catfish
Babosito del Albarregas
Albirregas Climbing Catfish
Babosito del Albarregas
Comprimento (total)
cerca 8 cm
Comprimento standard (documentado)
69,0 mm
Tamanho recomendado do aquário
60 cm
Alto acima do nível do mar
~3500 m
Come plantas
I / 5 - 6 raios
ligeiramente incisado / côncavo, lobos pontiagudos
filamento curto alto
filamento curto inferior
I / 5 - 6 raios
I / 5 - 6 raios
ligeiramente incisado / côncavo, lobos pontiagudos
filamento curto alto
filamento curto inferior
I / 5 - 6 raios
- Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. & Ferraris, C.J., 2003 "Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America" P. 314
- Regan, C. Tate, 1903 "Description of a new Fish of the Genus Chaetostomus from Venezuela" (The Annals And Magazine of Natural History, Vol. 11, P. 601)
- Regan, C. Tate, 1904 "A monograph of the Fishes of the Family Loricariidae" (Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 17/1903-06, Vol. 17, P. 313)
- Ferraris, C.J. Jr. & Vari, R.P. , 1992 "Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution" (Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 535, P. 10)
- Ferraris, C.J. jr., 2007 "Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types (I)" (Zootaxa, Vol. 1418, P. 65)
- Ardila Rodríguez, C.A., 2014 "Astroblepus tamboensis sp. nov. - A. chinchaoensis sp. nov. y A. moyanensis sp. nov. tres nuevas especies de los Andes del Perú." (Universidad Metropolitana de Barranquilla, i-ii, P. 10)
- Ardila Rodríguez, C.A., 2014 "Astroblepus mendezi sp. nov. una nueva especie de pez de Panamá" (Universidad Metropolitana de Barranquilla, Vol. 1/2, P. 5)
- Ardila Rodríguez, C.A., 2015 "Cinco nuevas especies de peces astroböépidos para los andes colombianos" (abstract) (Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas, No. 27, P. 133)
- Ardila Rodríguez, C.A., 2015 "Astroblepus verai sp. nov - A. pradai A. curitiensis y A. onzagaensis Cuatro nuevas especies del departamento de Santander - Colombia"
- Niemiller, M.L.; Zigler, K.S.; Hart, P.B.; Kuhajda, P.R.; Armbruster, J.W.; Ayala, B.N. & Engel, A.S., 2016 "First definitive record of a stygobiotic fish (Percopsiformes, Amblyopsidae, Typhlichthys) from the Appalachians karst region in the eastern United States" (Subterranean Biology, Vol. 20 No. 1, P. 9)
- DoNascimiento, C.; Herrera-Callazos, E.E.; Herrera-R., G.A.; Ortega-Lara, A.; Villa-Navarro, F.A.; Oviedo, J.S.U. & Maldonado-Ocampo, J.A., 2017 "Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia: a Darwin Core alternative to the updating problem" (ZooKeys, Vol. 708, P. 75)
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para as fotos
C. Tate Regan (1904) (PD)
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