DATZ 01/2017 – “Catfish Press Review”

Hello catfish freaks,

today I want to introduce you in an article from the current issue of DATZ:

Frank Schäfer “Again two L-numbers (L 306 and L 398) dissolved” (“Wieder zwei L-Nummern (L 306 und L 398) aufgelöst”)

First, Frank reminds with the example of genus Panaqolus that the scientists were hard to recognize the genera described in the special edition of DATZ 2001. With Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306/LDA 64) and Panaqolus tankei (L 398) (L 398), 12 Panaqolus species have been described so far.

The unspecified Panaqolus species / forms are however in a clear majority. Frank calls two main reasons: on the one hand, there is too little funding for taxonomic basic research so that these scientists are often ill-paid or rarely employed a long time. On the other hand, Frank sees a problem in the unnecessary hindrance of these works by natural and species protection laws, which means that he is probably referring to excessive authority.

If it is not explicit about catfish – a main theme of the DATZ 1/2017 is “live fodder” – this is also one or the other treats for our species.

Enjoy reading of DATZ

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